FairyTaleTreasures- This is a great site that pays twice a month. There is a minimum of only $10.00 required to cashout. There is a $1 signup bonus. You can cashout the last day of the month to be paid between the 20th and 25th of next month. You have the choice of Paypal, Check, or Amazon gift certifates as payment options. This site has lots of freebie and trial offers. They have contests, and promo codes too. On this site you also collect magic lamps on some of the offers, you can trade the lamps in for free referrals, or cash. If you trade in 12 lamps you get $1.00 added to your account. They have this wonderful trivia game every day. The questions are all disney related. There is a new question every day and for each day you answer correctly, you get 1 magic lamp credited to your account, they even give you 1/2 of a lamp if your answer is wrong. Every 10 days if you are active you recieve a magic lamp for free just for being active! So just think if you answer the trivia everyday, in 11 days you will have enough lamps for a free $1.00. There are 3 referral levels here, First level is 12%, Second level is 4%, and Third level is 2%. It really is a great site, and I have been paid from here.
There are around 200 one submit offers on this site and they are constantly adding new ones. They pay between 55 and 60 cents apiece (sometimes more)

MyCashSafari- This is a newer site. They have a $20.00 minimum required for cashout. Your first cashout is paid montly, you withdrawel by the end of the month to be paid by the 25th of next month. After your first cashout has been processed you are able to withdrawel twice a month. You can cashout on the 1st of the month to be paid by the 5th, and you can cashout on the 15th of the month to be paid by the 20th. You have the choice of Paypal, Check, Obopay, a Gift Card of your choice or a Visa Giftcard as payment methods.This site has lots of freebie, and trial offers. They have contests and promo codes too. You collect elephant tracks here, trade those in for free referrals, cash, or gift cards. There are 3 referral levels here, First level is 12%, Second level is 1%, and Third level is 1%. I just requested my first payment, and will post proof when I recieve it in June. They also have a contest for every 100th member. This site is quickly coming up on member number 800 if that happens to be you, the person who refers you and yourself both receive a 125 elephant track bonus. You can trade 125 elephant tracks in for $10. Also if the 800th member reaches cashout for the month both that member and the referer receive an additional 125 elephant track bonus!! There is close to 200 one submits on this site also, paying around 60 cents apiece.

Squishycash- This is a great site and I recieved my first payment of $28.05 from them at the end of June. This site has a $20.00 minimum required for cashout and they pay monthly. There is a signup bonus of $3 too. So you only need to make $17.00 to cashout. Which can easlily be accomplished with those wonderful one submits. This site has a ton of them too (close to 200) There are tons of other freebies on this site also so be sure to check those out too!

RevolutionOffers- This site has a $5 minimum to withdrawel and also pays monthly. They have some of the highest paying surveys I have seen. They currently are paying $2.00 for Winning Surveys, Surveys for Fun, and Big Bucks. They have a ton of one submits too, paying 60 cents each and one globe. Trade the globes in for free cash, 50 globes will get you an additional $5.
If you are doint multiple sites PLEASE keep track of the offers you have completed. If you complete the exact same offers on all sites you are commiting fraud and you will be banned. If you keep track of your offers you will see that yes alot of sites have the same offers, but they also have offers that are similar but completly differsnt. One site may have a signup for an ipod zip submit, and another site may have the exact same ipod offer but it is an email submit. You can complete both of those offers as they are differant.
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